Friday, October 26, 2007

Going to the Show

Question of the day: Why do people sit right next to you or in front of you in a virtually empty movie theater? (this not a rhetorical question, in fact would love to hear your opinions)

I love, love, love Ang Lee's movies. The man is brilliant. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Brokeback Mountain are some of the most visiually beautiful movies I have ever seen.

So, I have been waiting with anticipation for his new movie, Lust, Caution, to come out. Went this afternoon, left work early and everything. $20.oo later and I'm happily in my seat watching (I mean suffering through) the previews (I mean commercials). Since it was an early show, I was not surprised at the mostly senior citizen audience. The movie begins and I'm just about giddy with anticipation.

Not five minutes into the movie, which has subtitles so you have to pay attention, some crazy, old lady is trying to sit down next to me and loudly repeating excuse me, except that I'm sitting on the aisle, so there is NO SEAT where she is trying to sit! So, I have to say, "Lady, there is not a seat there", so then she proceeds to haul her fat @$$ in front of me, blocking the subtitles, and plops down one seat over. Which normally would be fine, except everything about her is LOUD. She eats her popcorn loud, she breathes loud, she drinks her Coke loud, and she sighs loud. Oh my God, you just ruined my perfect movie going experience!! Just when I thought it was bad, again, there are subtitles (which seem to be going by at NASCAR speed as it is) so I'm trying desperately to concentrate.......I hear SNORING!!! Are you freakin' kidding me? Fat, loud @$$ has fallen asleep!!

So, I slowly come to the realization that I have to move. I go to the very back row. Nobody will bother me here. Nope, today is not my lucky day. I notice a man come through the door to my left. He wonders a minute looking confused. I'm thinking he's lost because the movie is about and hour into it now. He looks right, then looks left like he is meeting people and trying to find them. Then I notice the strange position of his arms and hands.....he is holding a beret like cap and his hands are in it....huh? So, now I'm thinking he is looking for somebody to shoot, is he going to just open fire randomly, because I just got this feeling that this guy is not right. Now I have totally taken my attention from the movie. And low and behold he walks over to me and says, "Excuse me". No, freakin way!! The movie theater is virtually don't have to sit in my row!!! Then not five minutes later he gets up to leave. OK, good he's gone!! No, he comes back five minutes later and walks right to my row AGAIN!!! What???? So, I get up and move a second time. Thankfully, I get to enjoy the last 20 minutes of the movie without interruption.

What the f***????

(The movie is awesome by the way, and yes, I'm going a second time to see if I can watch it uninterrupted!)


Susannah said...

Kelly. You are a good writer--and I couldn't agree more--why and loud chewing--kills me! Thank you for your blog comments!!! I am so thankful for you. Love you, S

Maria said...

I am SO with you. My partner says that I am a freak magnet. Every single time we go to the movies, I SWEAR some talkative old ladies either sit in front of me, next to me or directly behind me. If they are behind me, they are constantly sneezing and sniffling and I can FEEL those germs sliding into my hair follicles. If they are next to me, they TALK though the entire movie to their partner. If they are in front of me, they sport a beehive hairdo and it is always when the theatre is not crowded at all.

And it is ALWAYS old people.